Saturday, December 29, 2018

Significance of ICT in learning and teaching

ICT enables self_placed learning through various tools such as assignment, computer a resultof this the teaching learning enterprises has become mere productive and meaningful.ICT helps to facilitate the transaction between producer's  and users by keeping the student updated and enhancing teachers capacity and ability fostering a live contact between the teachers and the student through email, chalk session, e-learning,web based learning including internet , extranet,cd-ROM ,tv audio -video-tape.
reconnaissance to invetigate on the integtion of ict is not novel, and in case high leaning institutions in the Tanzania  as it is elsewhere reamains indispensable to augment pragmatic corpus of knowledge and practice on icts integration in panoramic educational contexts. This essay investigate on the influence of lectures, have on their students use of the icts in the learning. Three objectives are adopted to determine essential ict skills needed by student teachers in learning process and to determine cause effect realtionship between lecture icts usuage in teaching and learning.

Why is ict important in schools?

Here are just a few others reason why technology in primary schools is so important ..its for learning experience raises standard across the curriculum to improve the delivery of lesson content and allows student to committed in various of ways
Ict in education is important because nowadays the roles of communication and technology plays a vital role in society...especially in empowering edication in school and college. .
Ict play important role in teaching and acquiring information and communication technology in education..this help to gather ,support,enhance ,and optimise the delivery of information. Worldwide has shown that ict can lead to an improve students learning and better teaching methods
Role of ict in 21st century is important. The use of ict in teaching _learning process is a realtively new phenomenon and it has been the educational research focus.the effective integration of this technology into classroom practices create a challenge  to teacher and administrators
This empirical study aimed at finding out the factors influencing use of ict to making teaching learning in Uganda and identifying the innovation that ict has brought into teaching-learning pricess especially in higher institutions of lrganda
A survey was employed and in order to empirically investugate the study.the findings of this study reveals that teaching stff and administrators had a strong desire to investigate ict into teaching _learning process
Ict makes education of techniqye high when school tell students to put technology away,it is like asking a doctor to save a life with one hand tied behind this back
"The science of todayis the
Technology of tomorrow "
It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning.