Monday, November 26, 2018

my childhood memories

                                             MY CHILDHOOD MEMORIES

My childhood memories are more precious whenever I think about that, I get more glimpse,goosebumps.because  my childhood days are full of more lovable memories.It has both good and bad ones .My childhood days are filled with more suspense and more lovely things that happened in my life
whenever I see children I remember  my childhood days, which is filled with more joyful and unpredictable games.Because of my family situation,I stayed in my grandmother home .My grandmother house is filled with many members especially children.At first my mother left me and my brother in grandma's house and she went to I didn't get any love or affection from my mother .though i didn't get any love from my parents,I get more love from my neighbourhood and friends . Upto 11th standard ,I spent most of the time in grandma's house.I got more positive and negative traits from my neighbourhood only.
Always children begin their childhood  days with games and fun.Likewise my life also began with fun and the day starts with my friends at 10.00 a.m and end up at 9.30 p.m.I won't get tired because stamina in me was to a good and so it do more in childhood days .But now I cannot able to run even a single round in my college .whenever I used to play with my friends i forgot  my lunch ,dinner time.Because that time was full of more suspense and thrill .It gave energy to do more and move to next.

In my childhood days,I used to play with different oriental games with my friends .I Like to play hide and seek,cards,chess,drama,dance etc...In hide and seek ,myself will always be a catcher .so I used to catch the hiders,but i used to make them fool and win that match .Likewise  kabadi is also my favourite game.I used to have an eye contact with  the catcher to make them day ,my pant tore when I was playing with my friends...I like cycling too.whenever I practised cycle.I met accident  and once met accident with my old grandfather ..In drama I am a director , so I play  a vital role in drama .I used to guide my friend for do's and don't in drama . we used  to record that,in nokia camera phone.I make more fun and was much joyful in my life.
Most thrilling experience also happened in my life .I saw a ghost near my house .I saw that through camera first,then I used to tell to my father but my parents said that they can't see that ghost .this is one of my thrilling experience in my life.but no one believed me  when I said this to my .Another most thrilling  experience happened at the age of 13.
After my tution ,I used to return home with my brother.At that time I saw a big dangerous ghost back of my house ..But I didn't say this to my brother .I knew that ghost will not be visible to my I left it. And this experience  gave me more tolerance and made me more bold 
Compared to my friends I was a bold girl in my gange.So this boldness came from my childhood thrilling experience only.
Another blackmark I got in my life was at childhood days.I get low marks so I won't show my report card my parents.I signed myself .my father found on a day .He scolded me,and beated me for that mischief behaviour. So this experience moulded me to get more progress in my marks.I used to make a lot of mistakes in my life,and for that I get a lot of scolded in my life..I have more negative traits in my life,for that I get more blissful movement in my life.I get more experience through these mistake
 So I will not lose my hope any time on my life  to achieve my goals

My childhood memories were filled with more thrilling moments and joyful moment ,which kindle me to do what is right and what is wrong. So i got more experience and lesson through my childhood days.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Essay Writing

                             It is a difficult for me to describe, reflect or discuss fully on this topic. Because this topic may throw some sensitive, moral qualities of a teacher.  According to my point of view, I get emotional  and stay fixational about this topic.
                       Here, I have clearly visuvalized my personal opinion about teacher should be in classroom?  How they should behave and show their attitude towards students?
                         In our society teachers play a vital role without them, there is no future for society because they are the ones responsible for the future students.  Teachers are the ones who are the second parent to student they must be ever charming, good counselor and should be impartial to student.  According to my concept teacher should also have other qualities to show their responsibilities.  Teachers have certain goal to bring and enlighten a students future to attained but that goal should be attained only emotionally, and not handling them in a rough manner.  But many teachers don’t handle in this way. So they are considered as a failure teacher.
                         Teacher must be impartial to the students certain things makes a teacher to attain goals.  According to my strategies teacher should first have the same trust on students and teacher should handle all the problems of students.  Then only they can be a good decision maker.
                         In all houses mothers play important role in decision making rather than father.  Likewise teacher also have the same decision making ability shows she/he is a good leadership man/women in her carrier 
                          Leadership teachers are considered to be a responsible character in the classroom.  My view of a teacher is that h/she must encourage and be a role model to student.  Students have listen enough to the words of a teacher for that first and foremost, teacher should have a good approach to students.  Then only students get an interest on teacher word and take them as a role model. 
                          In my life, teacher plays a vital role.  I had a role model of a teacher though my mother is a good teacher, I lost my mothers love, while entering the school, though I had received more love from my teachers. I spend most of time in my college and schools. I was more and more attracted by teacher.  According to my view, I come to a conclusion, teacher is not only the teaching person to student.  It is his/her duty to handle a student without any partial.  Teachers should have multi talents, good communication skills, caring heart, good eye contact, good counselling ability, positive attitude towards encouraging women etc., .  Mothers play a mother role, but a teacher plays a different kinds of role in classroom, because he/she are the second parents, and first, motivator, good caring friends, good councillor to students.
                          I got inspired by my mothers teaching.  So I wish to be a past of teaching practice society says children can become a collector, doctor, scientists.  Apart from that teacher have qualities to make a collector, doctor.  They are the creators of future citizen like doctor, collector etc.
                       A human was created by God, but born as a human we should follow certain rules to became a good person in society.  And that is done only by control of teacher.  Teachers are responsible for future citizen.  So they are also a good creator.  Creator is not only good almighty but also teacher,  who are upcoming God for a new-born child. 
                      So I wish to be a creator of new citizen for our society to face problems in their life and to follow a certain rules and regulations in their life.  Every one cannot be a good teacher.  It depends on their own thought, ideas may kindle them to make them as a good teacher, creator or human.
                        According to my concept of teacher, “I conclude teacher not only for teaching lesson.  They are a creator for future citizens